Robby Starbuck 0:01
Do you ever feel like the whole world has gone insane? Yeah, you're not alone. I feel that way. In fact, the majority of people feel that way. The truth is, we were all sold this great lie, that being part of a silent majority was something we should be proud of being a silent majority, a lot, a very loud, angry group of people that control everything. And problem there is that small group of people, they're communists. I say that myself, as someone who's the son of a Cuban refugee, who had to flee communism, I know the reality of how important the American dream is, I know how quickly we can lose freedom. And that's why this is our last stand. I'm your host, Robby Starbuck. And I'm going to be diving deep on the issues and people that matter, so that together, we can save the American dream. And once again, become a loud majority, that steers the direction of this country. If you're with me, and you want to spread truth and wake up the masses, you're in the right place together one piece of truth at a time, we can save America. Today, we've got with us the amazing Bowie Cole. She is a former trans child who has come out and really been a warrior for children's standing up for them so that the same thing that happened to her does not happen to them. So thank you so much for joining us.
Chloe Cole 1:19
Yeah, thank you guys for having me.
Robby Starbuck 1:20
I appreciate it so much. So why don't you explain Landon? How did we get to know Chloe? What has she been doing with us?
Landon Starbuck 1:27
Well, I mean, we got started at the activist rally with Matt walls, which was amazing. But before then I feel like we have like, I feel like we've done I feel like it's the internet. Yeah, it is.
Robby Starbuck 1:39
Because you start to feel like you're like good friends with people who sometimes you have not met. Is that happened? Yeah. Yeah, the internet's weird like that. I feel like it's a generational thing. Because if we tried to explain this to somebody in their 60s or 70s, they'd be like, What is wrong with all of you? Yeah, but that's totally how it works now. Right? You know,
Landon Starbuck 1:58
so after the Matt Walsh rally, we knew we had these Senate bills coming up and in the house to ban child mutilation in the state of Tennessee, and we were talking, we're like, we have to have Chloe come testify, she's had to hit a homerun. We don't want to just convince the super majority who are already Republican who already support, you know, banning this barbaric, you know, human rights atrocity in our state. But we want to convince Democrats, and if there's anybody who could do it hearing from the person who's experienced that and has spoken in, you know, all across the country, in these hearings, we'll have to see if Chloe would be willing to come and she was, and she absolutely get it out of the park today. And all but one, little stinker, you know, is going to vote in support. So I mean, that's pretty amazing that she was able to convince everyone in that on that panel and that committee to ban this this barbaric practice.
Robby Starbuck 2:48
Yeah, I mean, there's one who I think will end up being a no vote to once it goes to fraud eventually, you know, I think he's just trying not to do it today. But, you know, this is kind of what we're dealing with all over the country, and you really been helping fight it. So where else? Do you see this going on throughout the country where changes are being made that will protect kids? And then
Chloe Cole 3:07
these laws are starting to pop up all over the US?
Robby Starbuck 3:10
Yeah. Are you involved in any of the other ones? I try to be? Yeah, as much as you can. Yeah. So walk me through, you know, one of the things that I just can't imagine when I think about this, and what was done to you. I keep thinking about the doctors. Have you talked to any of them? Yeah, did this. What do they say? Like? How do they defend themselves?
Chloe Cole 3:31
The last one I talked to was my surgeon in around I think last August, I decided that I would reach out to him the funnel member who was involved in my multiple transition, just surfboard that like I regretted it, and that I was experiencing complications with it. Because I'm, I'm seeing some pretty serious complications from this. And I need help with it. I have no idea what's going on. And all I could get within was like a five minute call or resume. And he was just like, Well, yeah, just keep doing what you're doing. Keep bandaging it and put some Vaseline over it. I got absolutely no help.
Robby Starbuck 4:09
Is there any sense? Do you think that they have any guilt?
Chloe Cole 4:13
Well, on that call, it did seem that he was a little fearful. Yeah.
Robby Starbuck 4:17
Do you think that any of these doctors who were doing this are now having second thoughts about doing more of these surgeries? Do you think like, Have you heard that at all that any of these doctors who have been doing this or like you know what, okay, I'm seeing these D transition cases. And I just don't feel ethically right doing.
Chloe Cole 4:38
Yeah, I haven't heard from any doctors who any surgeons who specifically have operated on gender dysphoria patients,
Robby Starbuck 4:48
is that mind blowing? Like none of them have come out and been like, hey, you know what? was on the train before because, you know, this association and this association all said this was the standard My dear practice now. And I thought, Okay, well, I've always listened to that. And I went along with it. But what I'm seeing is scary. And I'm seeing these kids come back to me saying that they regret what happens. Like, I just I can't wrap my head around that personally, I really can't, you know, and you're not alone. I mean, tell us like, how many people have reached out to you who regret transitioning?
Chloe Cole 5:27
I can't even call. I think it's up to up to like the 1000s. But um, I've met a few dozen other people who transition as minors and the transition. Wow.
Landon Starbuck 5:38
Yeah. And what what is the experience like after that process happens? I mean, I've heard from a lot of my friends who were former trans kids, and they're treated awfully. They're sponsored online by big tech. And they they lost their community who lost so much more than just you know, that identity? And can you speak a little bit about that experience?
Chloe Cole 5:59
Yeah, that's kind of how it goes. That's how it wasn't my experience. And it seems to be that way. Seems to be a pretty common powder. amongst each one, the shoes.
Robby Starbuck 6:08
How have you been treated? Would you say by the very group of people who are supposed to be affirming your gender in the way you perceived it? So now that you're saying, Okay, I'm actually not trans? I am a girl, I was born a girl, I'm a girl. Never going to be anything but a girl. How did those people treat you now?
Chloe Cole 6:30
Pretty horribly, actually, I mean, before that, there were times when like, I would get, like other other transgender people with like, pick fights with me, because I had like the wrong opinion. And they would like force me to stop speaking about certain subjects. Like, for example, I believe, like you had to have, I still believe you have to have dysphoria in order to be transgender, because there's not really any reason other than that transition. And this a few years ago, that was like a really huge point of contention. For some reason, in the community.
Robby Starbuck 7:01
Why else do we think people should transition? Because they
Chloe Cole 7:04
want to, just because they want, because it's just
Landon Starbuck 7:06
about feeling? It's about whatever you feel like? I mean,
Robby Starbuck 7:08
wouldn't it be dysphoria? Do they just know? Yeah, that's
Chloe Cole 7:13
one thing I don't that's one thing I don't get like. Okay, so you don't want to be referred to by your birth name, or your birth sex. So how are you not dysphoric? Right. But even before it transitioned, out, like into fights over over stuff like that, and once sir gret started studying, and I was talking about, like, how I run my surgery, and how I didn't like how testosterone made me look, I remember there was this particular person who I had known since pretty much the beginning of my transition, who also was a trumpet and violin roll, was roughly around my edge. And she just went crazy on the show, she told me like, you don't deserve parents, who loves you enough to let you transition? Like, you deserve to feel this way. You're stupid. I got all the more of that words, I started to actually transition and talk about it.
Robby Starbuck 8:04
What about the doctors did any doctors when I assume I mean, like, I don't know the process. So maybe you can educate me on it. But I assume what would happen you start to feel this way. You still have doctors who see it, and you tell them this? Did they try to affirm you as your biological sex? Or did they try to talk you into continuing your transition?
Chloe Cole 8:25
They're just like, oh, say change event. Okay. And that's it. Yeah.
Robby Starbuck 8:30
And they did they just go, Okay, here's how we're going to rollback.
Chloe Cole 8:33
Now. I had to figure it out. I wasn't given any guidance on that. How's
Robby Starbuck 8:38
that? Not medical malpractice? I can't explain that. Honestly. I can't I mean, your experience in in medicine, everything you've been through, you're 18. Do you feel like any semblance of the medical community is operating under the actual belief system that they should do? No.
Chloe Cole 9:00
Very few. Very few. Very, very
Robby Starbuck 9:02
few. I mean, that's, I think, I think COVID made that very apparent to people. I think that that kind of woke up a lot of people who maybe started fascinations that it was just all beautiful unicorns and rainbows, when in reality, this is all about money for a lot of these people,
Landon Starbuck 9:18
the few that, you know, have spoken out, I mean, most of them, there's more of them, but they they're such you know, coercive practices in this medical industry, that they're afraid they'll lose their license, I know that we have every week reach out to us, and even therapists who are afraid to take on, you know, cases where you know, this kids are feeling dysphoric they're they say I don't want to abide by the gender you know, affirmative care model because it's not it's against you know, what I believe and I want to be able to tell this child You're perfect just the way you are, and they can't because they're afraid they're gonna lose their license. I mean, there's there's underground network of therapists that will actually help tell a child that there's something wrong with you. You know, that's really scary thing. Were there any therapists that you were Quit during this transition that maybe felt that way or you know, intimated that there wasn't something wrong that could be treated or was it just like this is the path to, you know, hormones, blockers surgery?
Chloe Cole 10:11
Yeah, no, no therapists but the first endocrinologist who I was son to, to try to get blockers of hormones Sutton No, because he said that he was concerned for how it might affect my brain development because I was so young. I was I think he, I think he even said that I was swung his youngest patients severe. Have you ever seen at that time? I looked back at my medical records, actually. And apparently, he's no longer with my healthcare provider. I don't know if he got fired, or if he just decided to leave. But I would imagine, he was probably pretty shocked. You're seeing patients younger and younger, coming to him over the years, like asking for this?
Robby Starbuck 10:50
What was this kind of a change subjects? But what was the moment? Was there a moment? Or was it a collection of things? Like, how did you know that this was wrong for you?
Chloe Cole 11:02
It was kind of a slow burn after my surgery. Like I never, I don't remember experiencing any regret or like having any negative feelings towards transition specifically, until after my surgery. But it wasn't until about like a almost a year later, I was taking a psychology class. And some of the lessons were about like maternity parenting child development. And that was the first time I really thought about what being a parent might look like for me. Yeah. Cuz before that point, I mean, I was just a kid. I was just 15 When I went under the knife.
Robby Starbuck 11:32
Nobody team is thinking about having kids, you know, you're not like, I wasn't I wasn't like, I can't wait to have kids at 15.
Chloe Cole 11:40
Yeah, like every now and then I would think about like the possibility of it. And I felt like I had a responsibility to one day. But that was the first time that I was really, it was like, I was really thinking about it. And it was like, Well, I'm not going to be able to breastfeed. And I just learned that this is a huge part of like the bond between a mother and her kid. Yeah. And I'll never be able to have that experience. I can't do that to my kids. And I don't know whether I'll be able to even have children naturally. Yeah. I mean, it's looking hopeful, because about two months after I stopped being Mr. Foster, and I started getting my cycle. But it's, it's possible to have an ambulatory cycles. Yeah, I'm just finding in the dark about that right now.
Robby Starbuck 12:28
And I think sciences doesn't really understand any of this. Because again, you know, I had somebody recently asked me about like, why are you conservatives? So suddenly against all of this? And I'm like, What do you mean? So suddenly, nobody was doing this before there was no children being mutilated. Nobody was giving kids Masek dummies, you know, this is a new thing. Same thing with like the advent of these new you know, let's put kids in drag shows where people you know, adults are stripping their clothes off and simulating sex. That was not something happening even four years ago. This is a brand new thing. So yeah, we're reacting to something in the culture that's changing and going, Oh, wow, this is dangerous for kids. Yeah. And what bothers me, is it like, I really, truly do not hate anybody. I'm not like a hater. I don't want to hate anybody, for living their life. And there's this really, really vile sort of spirit and idea out there, that we just hate all these people. We hate trans people, we hate drag queens we hate like, I really, I can't decide if they actually believe that we hate them. Or if they know deep down that some lines have been crossed, and they don't want to have that conversation. Because none of this is about people being trans as adults. None of this is about drag queens,
Chloe Cole 13:50
and they don't really care about trans. Anybody just really, truly don't show them how they treat hunters, because I don't really care,
Robby Starbuck 13:57
especially about trans kids. I really don't. And I wish I could say different. But when I see the results in front of me, where adults were activists will show up and actively shout down kids who are saying, I made a mistake or 18 year olds and your kids saying I made a mistake. This is dangerous for kids, please listen to me. And their reaction to that is F new fascist. Yep. Or it's a lot for to call you a Nazi or laugh
Landon Starbuck 14:28
or say you didn't actually transition, what is most
Robby Starbuck 14:31
vile things and so even make fun of your femininity. Don't make fun of your features and stuff. And I'm like,
Chloe Cole 14:38
it stuff like that, that made me transition in the first place who hates
Robby Starbuck 14:41
to hear, you know, because I would never maybe it's just where I was raised. Maybe I'm alone like crazy. Basically everybody I know is like this though. I have never felt it was appropriate for me to comment on a woman's appearance, especially in a negative way to be like Do you know oh, well, I think that your Adam's apples to white. First of all, what, what place does a man have even doing that? Like, that's just weird. It's weird to me. And it's but beyond that, when did any of this become societally acceptable, and the fact that they can feign that they care about these kids, while simultaneously treating the ones who admit they made a mistake, the way that they do kind of says everything, because none of us are going to trans kids and saying, you know, you're not trans, you look ugly. None of us are saying anything like this, we're doing this because we want to make sure that there's not a generation of kids, beautiful children of God, who end up in a position like you did, where they go, Oh, my gosh, I'm dealing with the side effects I had no clue about, that I could not even conceive of and conceptualize it. 50.
Chloe Cole 15:53
And there's really no rush, I think, I know all these people who transition well into their adulthood, while after that, then you stop developing physically. And they're, they're happy, they're satisfied in their transitions. Yeah. I mean, there's really no rush.
Robby Starbuck 16:09
If you're a longtime follower, or listener, you know, I've talked about how broken our healthcare system is, and it is time for a solution. That's why I partner with a company Clarus. To bring you that solution, you want to go back to the old days where a doctor actually cared, they came to your house, they gave real service and health care to your family, not sick care just waiting for you to get sick, that's Clarus, you can get a doctor that comes to you or telehealth. And you can get that service on a one off basis. don't deal with the insurance companies just deal directly with them, and get the health care you deserve. This, again, is an opportunity if you're one of those people that says I don't want a doctor who asked my kid about their pronouns, I don't want a doctor who's got propaganda in their waiting room, I don't want a doctor who tries to push a vaccine that I'm not comfortable with every time that I go into the doctor's office, then this is for you. They're expanding faster locations are going to open nationwide at certain points in time in the future. So make sure you sign up even if you're not in the areas I'm about to name where they are already up and running. Right now. They're up and running in Knoxville, Nashville, and Franklin, Tennessee, and all the surrounding areas around those cities. So if you're in that area, they're ready to go. Right now they're ready to see your family and you get 10% off, if you go to Robbie, to do your sign up safer. If you're out of the area, you will get notified as soon as your area is up and running, wherever you are and get that 10% off. So sign up today, Robbie That's our ob VY What would you tell somebody who says this is probably the number one thing I hear Trevor Project? They say that Trevor Project statistics show that, you know, suicides go down? And I know what I would say but I want to hear what you would say to these people. How do you rebut this argument from them? That you have to just go along with this because more kids are going to commit suicide if you don't.
Chloe Cole 18:01
So the studies actually say that suicide rates tend to go up up to about 90 times after that completed transition, including surgery. Who
Robby Starbuck 18:12
do you think is to blame for that Trevor Project, figure becoming the media's build to argument and activist argument when they get in front of legislatures?
Chloe Cole 18:24
It's hard to put the blame on one particular entity because stuff like that just kind of goes around like from activist Ivy oxidatively rubes through the media and it just gets recycled.
Robby Starbuck 18:35
I think it's the media. And it's because the media are activists. And so the activists themselves prepare this stuff. And a lot of these things are bogus studies in the first place. Yeah, not studies or surveys, they send a text message out to a group of people who are already signed up as Trevor Project. So you're already going to have a certain political bent to them in the way that the answer versus actually a real scientific study where you're trying to get a real picture of a large group in society. And so it's totally broken, but even just on its face, there is no other health condition where the person with it can say I'm going to commit suicide. And the reaction of doctors is to say, I'm gonna let you control your care now. You tell me what you want me to do next you want hormones, I'll give them to you want this? I'll give them to you want surgery, I'll give it to you. There is nothing else, no other health issue, no mental health issue. In fact, every other mental health issue, if you went to the doctor and you said, I am going to commit suicide, if the doctor is immediately going to put you under evaluation, and may work with your family, especially for your child to commit you to kick. This is the only thing we're where if you say it, suddenly they go. Let's do whatever you want. Whatever you say and if you don't do it, you must want a dead child.
Landon Starbuck 19:53
abusive boyfriend, you know argument where they say if you don't do that, I'll leave you or I'll kill you or hurt you or you know, I'm gonna kill myself. It's manipulation tactic. Yeah, it is. And it's just evil that they do this to parents that they are literally me you speak about this all the time about using that coercive tactic. I do that to my parents. Tell us more about that.
Chloe Cole 20:12
My mom and dad recently told me that we had a conversation about this last year. And I didn't know this until then. But my therapist actually told, I think it was my therapist, it might have been just the team, that transition in general, but they actually told my mom and dad that I wasn't allowed to transition that it was likely that I would kill myself, which wasn't true. I wasn't suicidal. So I started the treatments.
Landon Starbuck 20:39
Wow. You weren't suicidal until you started the trip? Yes. Right. And we know that the treatments actually have side effects of, you know, dysphoria, increasing depression, anxiety, and, and for the people who have other comorbidities like a DD, ADHD, and autism, autism, like some of those traits get exacerbated as a result of put being put on cross sex hormones that can exacerbate that condition. I mean, that's the research that that is widely available yet. It's, you know, not reported on, like, all of these statistics are being weaponized. I feel like if deform this narrative, and the truth is just not getting out there about the reality of this, but like, let's talk about objective reality for a moment, where all of the stacked children's bodies from not getting the affirmative care of the past 20 years, because there wasn't even a Google search for the pediatric transgender clinic or gender clinic. This is all based on a theory. And it's all based on feelings of what you feel like. And it's all based on stereotypical ideas of what gender are, you know, we have groups of moms across the country, that are thinking their two year olds are trans now, because they like different toys. I mean, like, these people claim to be fighting misogyny, but they're literally attaching these stereotypical, you know, characteristics and traits to little kid that just want to be little kids in play. So I feel like this is so incredibly dangerous. And I wanted to go back into the childhood a little bit, you know, and hearing you talk about, about the circumstances, from which, you know, you were in that situation where you latched on to this being presented as a solution, right? Could you like, talk to us a little bit about what your childhood was like? And, and, you know, your teenage years? You know, did you go through the typical teenage thing that we've all been through, where we don't know who we are,
Chloe Cole 22:28
I wasn't really allowed to rebel teenage shoes, because I started this when I was very young teen, okay. But I mean, growing up, I was in pretty good household, I'd say like, I'm the youngest of five kids, and both my parents are in the picture. But you know, there is kind of a significant gap between me and my siblings, just because they're about 78 years older than me. And at school. You know, I'm on the spectrum. I wasn't diagnosed until much later. But I've had a lot of problems with like socializing, sometimes spa performance in school even. And I often felt pretty lonely. And I found it really hard to fit in, especially with other girls, especially as I started to hit puberty and gone to middle school and interactions became more based on gender. But I also hit puberty pretty early. I was no older than nine, probably even a, and I had to deal with my body changing so rapidly at a very young age. Having to hear all the comments from the adults, sometimes by peers. I became very conscious of my body pretty quickly, during that contributed. Yeah, absolutely. I also in elementary school, I found it really difficult to to make friends and I was bullied for a little bit. It wasn't until fourth grade that I finally managed to make a group of friends. And then right after that, I had to move schools and fifth grade because I moved neighborhoods. And I was base I was I was back at square one. And so I had turned to the internet I started using, I just got my first computer, but I think I was like nine or 10. And so I started using the internet a lot. And when I was 11, I got my first phone. And that's when things really started to go down south. Because I started using social media, because that was that was what everybody was using at the time. Everybody was on Instagram, Snapchat, I use the the first two, I would mainly use Instagram, I would see a lot of stuff that made me even more conscious of it. You know, there was there was all these pictures of what a lot of the very sexual nature. And I would compare myself to them along I was like, why don't I look like this? Like, I don't even look like the girls in school. I felt like I looked like a boy more than anything. There's, I never be pretty, I'd never be enough as a girl that there would be no point in trying. And I also start seeing some feminist content as well. That kind of echoed a lot of the sentiments out here about growing from a girl and so a woman from the women and girls around me stuff like oh, it's just all It's just all awful. It's all something didn't want to complain about, like from periods to develop having developing body and going through sexual harassment, possibly the possibility of getting pregnant and you go through pregnancy giving birth, it was all, all girls are on, we just talked about it in a very negative light. And then sometimes our two boys talk about what like it was just this disgusting thing. And it made me just not want to be a part of it at all. In the feminist content, I would see what also it would do the same thing. But it was like at, like to the next level is like, oh, women are press in press through our history. And it's only getting worse in this age, we're losing our reproductive rights and things like that, which I don't believe now when at the time, it was like, it was scary to hear all that. Yeah. Right. And that's when the LGBT content sorry to comment. I'm kind of in the, you know, I like my my, like my video games, my comics and shows and stuff. And our eyebrows, a lot of communities on Instagram are on that stuff. And they're just so happened to be a lot of teens and young adults in those communities who identified as like gay or non binary, transgender. I don't know why, but there was just a lot of overlap, I guess, because this was just people who were kind of socially awkward on energy. And they found their community online, but eventually start seeing more just LGBT focus haunted. And some of it was like information, or really propaganda on the whole thing, especially about transitioning, and I start seeing like, young teens talking about their experiences, transitioning, these are stories of like somebody going from struggling with themselves, with their, with their identity with their bodies, and with their families and their friends. And slowly over time, becoming more seemingly accepted, and finding community and the people rather than having their backs loving, though. And as somebody who is kind of lonely as a kid that really spoke to me. Sure, I noticed that. I mean, there's a lot of parallels between me and those kids. And subconsciously, I just started to gravitate towards it. And, you know, I started to wonder like, well, just what am I, in my non binary and my, even a girl?
Robby Starbuck 27:27
Was there an attention component to that you saw, though, where you saw people saying they're non binary or saying they're this or that and seeing that they get likes and comments, and things that make them seem like they have community?
Chloe Cole 27:38
Yeah, it was less about the likes and comments, and more just like seeing them interact with other people, like online in person, and how happy they seem to become and how much fun they're having.
Robby Starbuck 27:48
Yeah, do you think a lot of this goes back to the fact that society is asking kids to grow up too fast? Yeah, like, absolutely look this roots back to that, because that's what i the whole time you're talking right now, I can't help but think that had you just been allowed to be a kid at nine years old, and not had the pressure to get on social media so early and not had all of these different influences being pushed on me so early, you would have just been able to be a kid because no nine year old girl needs to be thinking about sex, their body or any, that's when you just need to be able to be a kid.
Chloe Cole 28:21
Oh, yeah, that's, that's another important part that I haven't really talked about yet. But for some reason, from a very young age, a lot of the kids around me were really precocious. And like they, I guess their parents, like would just allow them all, on the internet, on their computers on the phones, let them have all those devices at a really young age without really monitoring them. And I kind of have the same problem. But it didn't really affect me as much. And so I started interacting with those, those kids at school, and they would talk about just really not appropriate subjects, especially like, like around like sex. Yeah. And I learned about that stuff from a pretty young age. So I was already very conscious of to how do you think you were when that got introduced? You know, younger than seven?
Unknown Speaker 29:01
Landon Starbuck 29:03
So how old were some of the other parents, you know, when the first kid started getting that on social and all of that, because I know that how quickly that changes this the school culture or the dynamics in those groups, because then it becomes like a quest If so, and so has it so and so's on snaps and you know, you know, and then you want to, you know, be part of that group and all that. I mean, how how young were these kids being exposed to that type of
Chloe Cole 29:24
content. I remember being in like, first and second grade and already seeing some my peers being given, like iPhones and stuff. They already their parents already gave them give them iPhones, right? And so they're already using social media,
Landon Starbuck 29:39
right? Which means that they've been exposed to pornography. And now this is a really important question that I really wanted to ask you because this is something that I deal with every day in in my nonprofits dealing with survivors of sexual exploitation and going back to childhood, things like that they've experienced and almost all of them, pornography played a role Whether it was their perpetrator addicted to it, or themselves being exposed to it or groomed by it, and it shapes their identity, it shapes it taints every part of their lives and even in their recovery. And so I wanted to see what role pornography played in your sense of identity or perception of what it means to be a woman.
Chloe Cole 30:18
Yeah, who'd absolutely did, I was exposed to it pretty young, I'd say, probably around 10 or 11. And I watched it, and I didn't realize it until recently, but a lot of grows in the stuff that I would watch or read. They were treated terribly. And that was just like, kind of my idea of sex. And like everything that I would, I would like read about it was like, it was promoting, like, kink, fetishes and pleasure, over like, love and intimacy and trust. And so that's just, that's what I learned sex was about.
Robby Starbuck 30:50
And doesn't that make, like, at least your girl? Doesn't that make SEC seem kind of scary when you're like a little girl? Yeah, they're being exposed to this. And you're and it's like this, like very? I mean, if you are familiar with like, this stuff, like, it's very violent stuff out there. Yeah. You know, what's crazy is that maybe five years ago, if you told me watched it, at that age, I would have been shocked. I'm not anymore, though. Because as we know, now, the average age a kid is exposed to porn today. It's around 11 years old was the last like major scientifics thing they did? I have no doubt it's close. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Absolutely. Right. So that in statistic about 11 years old, it's from a few years back. And they acknowledged actually, later on the people who did this, that it is going to get younger every single year. Because the way that it's working, this is a massive, drastic change from the past. The Internet, social media apps, everything else is the problem. And one of the big things is these apps, they have no age verification at all. So like, you know, we have three kids, our six year old right now, if she wanted to, she could grab a phone, these kids are all like, amazing tech brains. I mean, that's just the world we live in. And she could grab a phone, and if somebody would let her and could probably sign up for a social media app, if she had parents who were not like, you know, on top of things. And when you think about our country in that context, that the number of kids who are just being handed a phone, and that's your babysitter, like that's really scary, because I think that's actually why we're here. Yeah,
Chloe Cole 32:29
that's a big part of it. Yeah.
Landon Starbuck 32:31
Right, and promoting, it's not just like the sexual content, but it's like creating the perfect, you know, environment for all of these mental health issues to just flourish in. Yeah, I mean, that's, that's the reality is, it's like there's a component of destabilizing the identity of self hatred, especially a woman I would want it if I was a little girl, and somebody exposed me to horrific rate, you know, torture, Amanda basing a woman and spitting on her and doing all sorts of other disgusting things. I might not want to identify with whatever that woman was. And if it was explained to me that patriarchy is this oppressive, you know, thing, this construct, and that I could just choose to not be that, if that was presented as a choice, I think that a lot of little girls and their undeveloped brains would say, I don't want that. And and I think there's a large part of that, that I'm seeing, you know, in my perspective, especially working with survivors of second child sexual abuse, where they disassociate from that horrific experience, not only do they, you know, have issues with future relationships and intimacy, but they don't want identify with the person that experience that. So I see a lot of parallels there. If you wanted to share any thoughts about that. This is
Chloe Cole 33:36
an anecdote that I talk about a lot. But every trans kid that I know, they all either have, like some sort of family related trauma, like either like one of the parents died or like, See, they're just not in the picture. Or like they're in a foster home, or they have sexual trauma. They've either been assaulted or broster rate from your niche.
Landon Starbuck 33:59
Yeah, it's terrific. Can you explain something to me and see what I really want to understand? Because I know, I know, you're part you're a part of that culture. At one point, you have an insight that a lot of people don't want, why do they you know, get rid of their name? Because a name isn't necessarily gender. If I'm landed as boy, a boy named typically people some of this air like Mr. Landon, you know, and I walk in and they look
Robby Starbuck 34:20
confused. A lot of times they think, because I'll say, Yeah, Robin Lee and then and they're like, Okay, and they're like, Where's your husband, sir? And I'm like, There's no husband.
Chloe Cole 34:27
No, I first I was like, who's sled?
Unknown Speaker 34:32
Yeah, but I kept like,
Robby Starbuck 34:33
he's being nice. She thought I was gay, too. She was like, where's her his husband?
Landon Starbuck 34:38
But I just I wonder that because it seems so much more than I just don't want to have this part. It seems much larger now that I want to destroy this identity and reinvent something that is more appealing to me like in whatever way because that part doesn't make sense. His names aren't necessarily gendered, you know, like, it's what you attach. And that's the basis of the whole theory it Is it thinks shouldn't be attached necessarily engender a truck, you know, girl playing with a truck or any so I don't understand that the need to just erase memories to go back and, and not not have a childhood and say Oh, I don't want to see any pictures it's too triggering for me that I was born with a penis or whatever it is, can you share some insights that maybe we don't understand?
Chloe Cole 35:22
Yeah, the idea that this like breaking generals is just complete nonsense, because in the end, it's just reinforced. But
Robby Starbuck 35:29
I think you can actually go a step further with that it's reinforcing them in the most extreme ways, in the most misogynistic way. Sick ways, because it's like, okay, if you're, if you're a male, and you say you're going to transition to be a female, in many ways, they'll actually go in, they'll be a caricature of a woman, they use the highest voice the floppy as tan character. Yeah, they'll say it or they say,
Landon Starbuck 35:54
is that what people think of women like it's no go the other
Robby Starbuck 35:57
direction to where they'll do like very extreme body change, where they go from like a male to having
Landon Starbuck 36:03
like huge breasts, what it means to be women have huge faith, then suddenly, it's
Robby Starbuck 36:07
like, wait a minute, I thought we were saying gender roles don't exist. And then you know, all these, and nothing makes sense anymore. You know?
Chloe Cole 36:17
Yeah, part of is that, um, the grass is often greener on the other side, for me, you know, hearing all this horrible stuff about being a woman from other girls growing up with it. I mean, I would always I would often hear the phrase like, guys just habit so much easier. Well, I learned the hard way that that's not actually true that men do like long struggles that are different. They're different, but they're there. And, in fact, it might be even harder to be a man because there's not really a lot in your I worked or there's a lot of, there's not a lot of room for discussion, especially about things like your emotions, how you feel about your purchase,
Robby Starbuck 36:58
we've had this discussion before, being a man allows for very little forgiveness. And I understand it's like that for women too, but in very different ways. For women, I feel like that lacks forgiveness comes more so from society, in like the typical friendship sort of way, you know, where you're outside frameworks that are like much larger, if you're looking at like, a wheel, this outside part can be very unforgiving sometimes about the smallest things you guys do. Whereas with males, that unforgiveness tends to start way closer, in the middle of the circle, the most personal parts, where it's like, you know, the men in your life growing up are the types who were like, you know, don't show emotion. Don't do this. Don't do that. You know, and it's all built around, be strong, be the oak tree. And you know what, as much as it's not easy for men, I do actually disagree with the people who say it's not entirely healthy, because I do think there's a reasons why men are the way that we are biologically. And there are things about it that are unique and things about it that are not easy when you have that state of mind. But I think it doesn't make you it can make you a better husband and a better dad, if you are using it the right way. And you're using it to shut off emotion entirely. But if you're using it to guard your family and vulnerable people, yeah, hard things. Yeah, you know, and I think
Chloe Cole 38:27
men, in certain situations should be vulnerable, like the wife should be the safe space for a man. Yeah, that's, that's one thing I learned. Going through this society. I think that men and women are genuinely built for different things. But in the end, at the end of the day, they complement each other.
Robby Starbuck 38:44
We do because people would definitely say, I'm stronger in so many ways. But at the end of the day, emotionally, that's probably like the one area where I'll never open up to like anybody, but she's my wife. So that is the healthy thing like I will, I will, you know, say anything to like. And so basically what I'm saying is foreign intelligence services, you want to know anything about me like she's the one you have to torture enough, as you're not going to get it out of me. I'm stronger than her in other ways. Nova for real. I think that that's an important part of life, is that, you know, there seems to be this overarching theme throughout the world. And it's really pushed by a lot of the globalist belief systems that men and women cannot be different while at the same time convoluting all these lines about what sex and gender none of it makes any sense.
Chloe Cole 39:38
It's like yeah, do the same but also they're so different. Also, there's so if you're if you're Blaine's, like the color pink,
Robby Starbuck 39:43
you actually then exempt I will see that's the thing that drives me crazy is okay, having three kids our daughters have liked boy toys. Our son has liked girl toys that does not make our son a girl that does not make our daughters a boy. And for all those people out there think conservatives are bigots if they see you know their daughter Playing with trucks, they're going to take them away. And don't you dare play with that. That's not how me
Landon Starbuck 40:04
but I just think the person at my tactical, no great children that way, I don't
Robby Starbuck 40:07
know who these people have been around. They need house training, if they've actually ever experienced this, that's not normal. Okay, all of my conservative friends, that is not how we are our kids hang out with each other, the kids play with whatever toy they feel like playing with. And none of us assign a future gender on them, we just know they are what they biologically were born, as you know. And that's something they added this whole mix. But really, it goes so much further. Because it's not just about sorting gender, and all those things. It's about distorting what is great and beautiful about our differences. Because the healthiest thing we could be is society that acknowledges how different I am from both of you, you know, and that you guys have strengths. I don't have that I have string so you guys don't.
Chloe Cole 40:57
Yeah, that's another form of it is that I feel like we've just really appreciated the role of women general. We have great and personally
Landon Starbuck 41:07
and I think feminism propaganda didn't allow a lot. I mean, the whole life boss paid culture and climbed the corporate ladder to serve as a male puppet master at the top. Like it's an idea of, you know, female liberation. I mean, it sounds exhausting and miserable.
Robby Starbuck 41:21
Or the idea that they want to be the puppet master at the top. They're like, we need to replace it with all women.
Landon Starbuck 41:26
Yeah, but that that lie sold us so many. And there's so many miserable women and I'm not saying that every woman their destiny is to be a mom and a wife. But let's you know, that even you know growing up myself like those perceptions were there and I went to a boarding school in East Coast. So I that some of that was infused into my upbringing to those those perceptions about like feminism and what it means to be a woman all that was almost like looked down upon like, you're just going to be a wife. Like you're just going to be a mom or like, what, like number seven? Like yeah, like Yeah, like, yeah, illegal arts, and yeah, I mean, what's the point of going to college if you're just gonna go? How about babies, you know, like that kind of thrown the babies exactly like baby like, that's the greatest thing. That's why you're here. And in the midst of filling thing I've ever done, and I've been a billboard charting artists. I've done lots of things in my life, and there's nothing more special to me, or, you know, okay, okay, maybe like articulate it makes me emotional like that. If I ever do anything on this earth, like being a mom, that was it for me, like that was the most fulfilling thing. You know, it's so
Robby Starbuck 42:27
I really, honestly, as a man, if I could say one thing to especially the females, I mean, I'd say it to both, but especially to the females thinking about transitioning into being a male. Like, put all the things away that people have told you about how people like me hate you. We don't hate you. From the bottom of my heart, I want you to have the happiest life you could possibly have. I want you to be joyful. I want you to grow old. I want you to fall in love. I want you to have kids, I want you to have every dream you have ever imagined achieving. And I want you to have
Chloe Cole 43:02
it all. Yes. And transitioning makes that so much more difficult. Absolutely
Robby Starbuck 43:06
makes it so much harder. And I hope that even stuff like this. We're not going to change everybody's mind. I hope we can change one mind if we can change one kid's mind who is given that phone and his all over social media. It's worth it. And that's the thing, you know, I want to ask you something else too, because I get this all the time and it drives me crazy. I probably should have been but the drives me crazy, but it's the stupidity that drives me crazy, not the actual accusation. How many times if you've heard the word grifter, I couldn't even count on my fingers. Okay, I just wanna make it very clear for people. None of us profit off of this, okay? I don't make money off of being conservative. I never have I've spent my own money. She has spent her own money. We have spent our own money on this. Chloe gives her time to things all have to make a difference. I'm talking to people. I just want to drive this point out. We are not drifting off of anything. Okay. Literally, if there's ever an ad on one of my videos, guess what? The money goes right into projects that help make these values a reality and to get the message out. Like nobody's getting rich off. We don't
Landon Starbuck 44:17
have some secret Danny billionaire that comes in. stuffs are now
Robby Starbuck 44:20
running Sunday. Like the Koch brothers or something like there's there's no secret billionaire behind. You know, Elon Musk isn't pulling the strings like nobody's there. Okay, this is just people who care. And so I really think it's important that those young people questioning know things like that, but like, the stuff that you hear, it's all BS. Like, these are just people on this side. What I've come to understand is they're just people like you just care. Like you want them to have everything.
Chloe Cole 44:47
Yeah, I'm just gonna add it's the same for me. I lose money every time I go on trips, one way or another. We couldn't do this show
Robby Starbuck 44:55
without our great sponsor, Patriot mobile. If you haven't heard about Patriot mobile, they Are the cell phone service for you get away from the big companies, you keep your cell phone number, you keep your phone, don't worry about it, it's not a hassle, it's quick to switch over and you stop giving your money to woke corporations who want to do nothing but take your money and turn it over to far left Marxist groups. Patriot mobile puts their money where their mouth is, they help flip school board seats and put their money into conservative projects like this one, so that they support the values that we believe in, you need to switch over today. If you care about your values, it's time for us to put our money where our mouth is. And Patriot mobile is one of the ways you can do that by switching over their service standards are the exact same as all the major providers out there. So don't tell me Oh, I would do it. But I'm worried about bad service, it is the same service standards that the big ones are required to abide by. It is fantastic. It is worth the switch, make it today you get free activation, patriot Just say Starbucks, and you get that free activation for your phone lines, you will not regret it. And you will be very pleased to find out that the money from your phone bill is now going toward projects and values that you believe it.
Chloe Cole 46:14
You know, I would often hear from other people in the trans community like oh people, all these people, children transitioning, they're gonna like forcefully, you're gonna force people to stop transitioning, these these bills are horrible, these, this whole party hates you, all these people eat. And then once I stopped interacting these people, and I start doing what I'm doing bows like, wow, they're really nice. Well, let
Robby Starbuck 46:38
me ask you a question. Okay. So today, we were in hearing the subcommittee's hearing for a bill that will ban sex changes for minors and will ban the use of hormones in the future? And puberty blockers? Yeah, I don't know if you noticed the thing that all of their Republican members spent the most time on, was ensuring the safety of kids who are already on Yes, right. Yes. And that they would not just be ripped off, then they would not just go cold turkey and be put into a medical crisis.
Chloe Cole 47:06
Somebody, somebody went cold turkey. It's horrific if you do that way,
Robby Starbuck 47:11
and that was the top concern of everybody for them.
Landon Starbuck 47:14
It protects, you know, this, there's rare conditions where there is a precocious breviary or whatever, you know, the other conditions are, you know, that is not part of this, this is a separate thing based on theory, gender theory, you know, a no long term safety studies, no empirical safety, safety data like, this is a theory that we're experimenting on children. And it doesn't matter that these, you know, three letter institutions, you know, that the American pediatrics, so it doesn't matter that they endorse this, it's like, we are critically thinking people, their their science is either there or it's not just not, and the outcomes either matter, or they don't and looking at what this is doing to children and how they've been silenced. All that these are all abuse tactics, we can't question them. They make people you know, they make you feel like it's this same thing that abuser does, they distance you from your family and other people because they have to control the narrative nice they hate you that at first was talking behind your back but what they did here they are troll the information, your access to people and and ideas and thoughts, anybody who could influence you to think the other way. These are abuse tactics, I wish if there was actual like, not just sexual abuse prevention, but prevention, about manipulation and coercion and fraud. In childhood space, not only would we eliminate child sexual abuse, we would eliminate the type of propagandizing of children and indoctrination of children and social media influence children because we would be raising free thinking children to be able to withstand the propaganda in isolation.
Chloe Cole 48:43
There was a total shock when when I stopped and I started seeking people who actually run those spaces who were in opposition of child transition. And I realized they are not these awful demons that I was told about. They're, they're just, they're just parents, their teachers, their school staff, they're their doctors. They're just concerned adults,
Robby Starbuck 49:06
the means to question if you could talk to every parent of give us questioning, no matter what their political orientation, anything, what would you tell them?
Chloe Cole 49:17
My advice would be keep your kids off social media. And once once they're once they're old enough to be on it. Really look closely at what they're looking at what what they're spending time on how much time they spend on an ENT who they're interacting with, and make sure that they are active enough at school, in their communities in activities like sports clubs, things like that. Just so that they're interacting with with other people, those
Robby Starbuck 49:46
people the social steps are really important to staff and
Chloe Cole 49:49
especially for you Yeah, and so that the visit, so they don't have time to ponder stuff like this. But most importantly, just be active be involved as you can derive some Let them know that love them.
Robby Starbuck 50:02
I mean, it's it's simple, but it's so crazy how many people out there don't abide by that, in fact, the majority now when it comes to social media don't abide by that bite. In our case, none of our kids have social media. The only exception we've made it all and we'll make is that one of our kids is really funny and makes funny YouTube videos, but they don't run the account or anything. They just, they make funny videos, we put it up. And it's just their friends and you know, stuff like that get to watch it. And it's so cute. But we're like, it's worth doing with them. You know? Watch, watch. YouTube is a family like a family where it's like, we know what what is why we're looking up. And we tried to do rumble now too. But rumble rumble starting to get like enough content and stuff on it. I really hope rumble ends up a serious competitor to YouTube. Because even places like YouTube are part of the problem because these algorithms are feeding this stuff to kids. Because once you go, even if you're just curious, you know, if you're curious, what is all of this strange stuff, I heard a girl at my school was trans now. And he goes search on YouTube. What is trains mean? You know, how do you know if you're trans? You will get given that content constant. Yeah.
Landon Starbuck 51:14
It's over.
Chloe Cole 51:15
Yeah, I remember being nine. And I think this is my first exposure to porn. Actually, I found it. I just so happen to find on YouTube. It was like completely uncensored. And but it was just there. And this was long before YouTube kids was a thing. So that wasn't that wasn't a thing that was in place. And they've gotten a lot more strict about out there.
Robby Starbuck 51:33
It still gets through now. Yeah, it still does. I mean, we've heard it from quite a lot of people with you know, people even sending screenshots sometimes, which please, you don't need to send the screenshots just I believe you. But that that still does happen. I mean, you'd be shocked in this sense. I'm being honest, like, you really don't need to send that. And also, you know, it doesn't stain and censor it. No, not only that, you wouldn't believe some people have sent me because I've talked about the way people have been, you know, had side effects from certain medications from big pharmaceutical companies and stuff like that. And some people have sent me the most horrific photos that should remain private. Not because they want me to post or anything, but because they want me to see it. And I'm like that said things you'd better look privately. I care. I care a lot about people I really do. I don't want anybody sending me photos. Just talk about a different episode. I can't help it. But this has happened recently. And it was I was not happy about
Chloe Cole 52:38
it. So it sounds a little traumatized.
Robby Starbuck 52:40
I was I was kind of traumatized by the last one that was sent to me. I was like, why would anybody willingly send that? That back to the back to the subject? I mean, like you take Yes.
Chloe Cole 52:55
I'm curious, but I've learned over the years of knowledge are not worth having.
Landon Starbuck 53:00
It's a great Yes, exactly. Agree. sound wisdom. Well, okay, so any last questions before I
Robby Starbuck 53:07
knew that was going to lead to wisdom, by the way? See, that's like I was I was using my male intellect to beat you guys if it was see. You know, I asked about parents who have kids questioning, but what about parents whose kids are not questioning in terms of how do they ensure that their kid doesn't end up a statistic where they end up in school doing this because I even know of cases where, you know, a parent seems to be doing all the right things, and they send their kids to school, they don't give them a phone, but their friend group is thrashing this stuff. Like what what would you say to those parents?
Chloe Cole 53:47
Well, another problem with parents today is that they're really not teaching their kids how to be socially aware a lot of the kids that fall into this, a lot of them are ballistic. And so they're not really they're not really a socially and well, that's kind of I think that's kind of an innate part of being autistic. But you can mitigate that to some extent, by teaching, what to look out for how to be socially aware and just teaching them about reality. Yeah, and to stand up for it.
Landon Starbuck 54:16
Yeah. I have one question. Last question. Okay. How do we protect women's spaces women's you know, safe homes from domestic abuse, you know, all of these things are becoming an issue you know, the rubber meets the road now with like the YMCA case. You know, all these situations? How much do we tolerate before we are erased when it comes to language when it comes to all of these accommodations? You know, how do we you know, in your perspective, like you sure you deal with a lot of people still in that community or that ones that are detransitioning or any you know, how do we have a line in the sand say, Hey, you can identify what you what you want, but you're not allowed to like have your penis out with my little girl in a you know, bathroom like that's where I draw the line. I don't we have that conversation because I feel like that conversation has not been had.
Chloe Cole 55:04
Yeah, I've kind of noticed the same thing. A lot of the discussion around this just gets stifled. I mean, the first and most important step is just recognize the reality of things that trans women are not women, they're trans woman, and biological males. And the same goes the other way around transplant or not more females and transplant as for like the bathroom and like, like such facilities? I mean, the most obvious answer would be to just not let anybody of the opposite sex in those facilities. But sometimes it's difficult, oh, some people pass very well, right. And they really don't need any farm and using those facilities, I mean, I was one of those people why I really did pass as the opposite sex. And I would just sit quietly, go to the bathroom, not really bother anybody, there are some cases of people like that. But
Landon Starbuck 55:53
I don't think anybody's interested. I there's not really in policing people based on how you look in general. But I do think that there has to be policy wise, like lions that are abusing that, and just a woman's right to a private space, like dealing with a survivor for rific, you know, the abuse absolutely set, I would never send them to a shelter knowing that they allowed, you know, men in their unit transmen, whatever, friends, women, whatever you want to call it, it's you know, they have a right to a space where there's not going to be men there, you know, and that's the thing is like, do we have that right yet? You know, or do we still have that right? Or not? Are we going to fight for it? And at what expense? I think that we have to draw some lines there, you know, as women? Or what does it mean to be woman if a man can be a woman? If a man can take the awards? If a man can, you know, be on the same Sunday, then then it's not doesn't mean anything just feeding they erase it what, you know, breastfeed your chest beating and then, you know, with your chest feeding? No, I'm saying they raised all of these terms that they are especially new ones. Yes, about boats. And so in the name of inclusivity a women are being erased and what makes our you know, womanhood special, distinct and private. You know, there are separate, you know, there are reasons that we have to have private spaces, yeah, should have private spaces, especially raising little girls, you know, that is also very important. So I think that it's really important to get clear on what those lines are, and ask, you know, that those be respected?
Robby Starbuck 57:21
Yeah, I think you really kind of have to do and to be respected. But you know, the one thing that I have not understood is, there seems to be a whole lot of people overlooking the most obvious thing. And that's that, especially in public facilities, why don't we just build single stall bathrooms? For people who either I mean, we already shouldn't be doing it, honestly, for people who are disabled to make it easier for them to be able to get the bathroom. Because oftentimes, the disabled stall is the furthest away from the door, you could actually make it easier for them by making it a single stall bathroom. And it also would serve the need of anybody who is maybe you know, biologically not what they identify as, and then they can go use that, that way, they don't feel like they have to go in the bathroom, it's gonna distress them. And they're also not going in a bathroom where they're going to scare little kids, you know, like you, you can really have it all where everybody gets their private space to go to the bathroom, or change or locker room or whatever. I don't understand why that is so difficult. I get it with private businesses, why private businesses are like, Hey, I just need them to go to the one that you know, they were assigned at birth, I get that, but for public facilities, which is a lot of bathrooms, that makes a lot of sense, does it not? Yeah, I
Chloe Cole 58:34
remember my senior year when freshly off testosterone and just the transitioning I, I mean, I think I did, we're gonna grow by everybody. Previously, just a few months ago knew me as a boy by the name Leo. And for a long time, they knew me I was like this kid who just loves the boy. And so that was kind of that was kind of, yeah, that was kind of that was pretty uncomfortable. Like I would, I went back to using the girls locker rooms and restrooms because I mean, that was the only place I had I would have probably endangering myself if I only had use was still using the boys facilities. But at the same time, like I knew I was getting looks, I knew that I was probably making other people uncomfortable and I really would have appreciated it if they had like, like neutral like accessible facilities. They didn't have like, accessible bathrooms on my school.
Robby Starbuck 59:30
This might be really like kind of personal but are you dysphoric at all when you see a picture of you when you feel like you're presented as a boy because I honestly I can't even imagine looking at I can't imagine you passing for a boy I hope that's like, you know, seen as a compliment. Not sure I got offensive. Do you feel this work when you see that?
Chloe Cole 59:51
I wouldn't say the feeling is really dysphoria, just like it's just comfort. I almost feel dissociated from that person. It's like that's probably even when even when When I look back, even when I think back to those memories I had throughout high school, it's like, they don't feel like my own memories. Yeah. It's just very, it's very uncomfortable.
Landon Starbuck 1:00:11
Right. It's understandable. I mean, I think a lot of people feel that way too, just about our team, you know, experience too. I mean, I don't know anybody's like I had a great time to high teen age years. I really do like that. And
Chloe Cole 1:00:22
if they do say that they're lying. I do
Robby Starbuck 1:00:25
notice and they're called liars. Nobody felt
Chloe Cole 1:00:29
other people who have nothing going for them.
Robby Starbuck 1:00:31
Yes, nobody. Nobody enjoyed the process of everything changing all at once in front of everybody else and feeling like you're judged by everyone around you, adults and people your age. It's not fun. It's a weird experience. And yes, there are moments of choice throughout it and everything. No doubt, you know, you have your first you know, girlfriend or boyfriend, whatever. And things. There's things that people are like, Oh, that's exciting about, you know, that time in your life as a teenager. But there's a whole lot more. That's just weird. There's a lot of awkward, weird stuff that happens. And I think people need to normalize to younger people that that's there's nothing unusual about you what would be unusual as if you're not feeling voice, you know? And now and honestly help with mental health to have
Chloe Cole 1:01:19
Yes, yes. Be honest about that. Yeah, sometimes I would see like, attempts at doing that. But it was poor attempts. Yeah, it was like really exaggerated really? Just would make any feel any kid feel worse? Like? Yeah, some like really overbearing moms like throwing like period parties further, little girls like I don't want to eat. Actually worse. Yeah. I didn't have anything like that look. But I know kids who did and it just made them feel worse about going through it, right? Yes. I think the best the best way to approach it to any kid, whether they're a boy or girl, before they are when they're just going into puberty. It's like just be completely factual about it. Like no, just completely neutral. Don't like, Oh, it's a celebration or like, Oh, it's just awful.
Landon Starbuck 1:02:05
Yes, exactly.
Robby Starbuck 1:02:06
Yeah, I for 1am stunned, I'm just finding out about this, that period party. I've never heard of this before. And I just I want to say, I think as a general rule, and I hope you don't need to make a law for anything. Like, just as a general rule, let's maybe not have parties about people's private parts, you know, like, I think that's uncomfortable, especially if you're a kid like I, honestly, if I was a female, and my parents threw me a period party as a child, I would have considered transition. And I'm not saying that as a joke. I'm dead serious. I mean, I want nothing to do with this crazy, right? Dubois at that period parties I'm in okay, they don't Okay, let's go that I'm dead serious. Like I did not know anybody does this. And I'm stunned by that's like,
Landon Starbuck 1:02:50
what you phrase what you said, I think is the best of this. I think a large part of our audiences is parents, you know, family. And I think that you said it the best, I mean, just matter of fact, factual stuff, because I've had I was dying, and I got my period, nobody told me what a period was. So I literally thought I was bleeding to death. So can we just find that happy medium where we talk, you know, talk to your kids about the realities of things and even you know, born foreign exposure, what to do, when that happens, the dangers of social media, whether they have it or not, they understand why without you know, sensationalizing things and making things this big deal, these big sit downs, like, just talk to them, like they're, that's why
Robby Starbuck 1:03:27
I say the future a bunch of seasoning is common sense. Because everything you're saying is common sense. This should be common sense. We're not these, you know, repressive people who are afraid to talk about reality with our families, or our children. In fact, if you're a Christian, this is what God put you on earth for you were put here to teach your kids, okay, don't let somebody else do it. Don't let them find out on the internet. Don't let them end up having a situation like that happened where they think they're literally bleeding to death. Just tell the truth. Do you kids, you know, talk to them? Have these conversations do in an age appropriate way? Yeah. Don't let somebody else be the person who does it. But you reminded me of an important thing, too. I promised somebody I would ask Chloe, this. There's a parent who follows me. They love you. They wanted to stay anonymous through their whole thing. They have a child who says that they are trans. Okay, and they're 17. And the parent is, you know, very conservatively minded. Didn't do the social media need that stuff. But yeah, it's found out about their school, fell into a bad group, you know, and all that. And they ended up getting it from social media anyways via somebody else's phone at school, who helped them set up social media again, so it still ended up being social media. But they want to know, how can they let their kid know why they're so scared for their future and what they're going to have to go through and how do they let them know that they love them, but try to steer them toward the right path and not be They're trying to walk that fine line where like, they don't want to be wrapping their arms up in love about something. It's gonna be so hard for the kid. They want to open their eyes, but they also want their kid to know their love. Like, how do you deal with it?
Chloe Cole 1:05:12
Well, first of all, you should probably take your kid to school. That was my first fire. Yeah, environment.
Landon Starbuck 1:05:17
Yeah. About the environment is everything, everything from gardening, to raising children to our adulthood. It's yeah, our environment is so important.
Chloe Cole 1:05:26
But it's, as I said earlier, you have to just be objective with your kid and just show them how to be without trying to push them one way or another, like, oh, it's exciting. Oh, it's just horrible. Like, it's gonna be a little bit of both. And that's something that you have to acknowledge. And it's hard to acknowledge that as a kid, but if you just tell your kids, I just saw him how it is and let them experience it, then they'll learn to live with it.
Landon Starbuck 1:05:51
Yeah. Right. Yeah, it's almost like parents were designed to lead children must have literally
Chloe Cole 1:05:57
everything filtered on a kit. So for me, it was kind of the opposite, like everybody else may ensure that was having them by a certain age. And like they had they would talk about Haleakala calm every month for them. But me, I started out around like 12. And they were very irregular. For me, I was only having about three or four per year. And I was, I've been added here like that, at towards the beginning, especially tends to be like an irregular thing. But like everybody, like whenever I talked about with girls my age, they were like, Oh, that can't be right. Like, is there something wrong with you? And like, I would like, look, I'm sort of wondering if there is something wrong with me. And I started looking online like, right, if this was normal, and I would see stuff like this may be an indicator of infertility. So it's like, gray, there's another thing that's wrong. A few years ago? Yes. Like, what's the point? Right,
Landon Starbuck 1:06:46
what's the point? Right, 100%?
Chloe Cole 1:06:48
I just felt so hopeless. Yeah. Gosh, that's
Landon Starbuck 1:06:53
parenting could couldn't be more important at this time. Like, I mean, as critical as we are with all the attacks on kids for their minds, our identity, their, you know, all the propaganda thrown at them that sexualization, politicization, I mean, it's like, we don't have to, you know, hide our kids in the world, but we have to train them on how to deal with it and you know, in an age appropriate way, and respond to it. And I love that you said, get them out of school, because you can only put so many band aids on things or play the game, whack a mole, like, you know, we're trying to get rid of the pornographic books in school, we're trying to control everything. That's not what parenting needs to be, doesn't need to be so stressful. And like, there's this, there's this, like, just cultivate the environment that you want focus on the positive experience you want for your child? Because it's a totally different mind shift of just focusing on all the negative things and how to move with them.
Chloe Cole 1:07:41
Yeah, and you're gonna take something away, you have to replace it with something right? That's right.
Robby Starbuck 1:07:44
Yes. 100,000. But that's probably the best place to leave it. I want people to remember that. So yes, thank you, enclosing Chloe, thank you, thank you for everything you're doing. You're a warrior, you're changing people's lives, and you're leaving a legacy that you're going to continue to find out about and your old age, one day, when you've got long white hair, and you've got a bunch of grandkids and stuff, you're going to be like sitting there, maybe you'll be going to your mailbox, and you'll be getting like a letter from somebody that's like thank you, you know, you'll still it'll still be happening when you're an old person, you're making a big difference. And I hope other people take that inspiration and make a difference themselves. Maybe this isn't their issue, maybe it's somewhere else, they can make a similar impact. But
Landon Starbuck 1:08:28
and if you ever do choose to become a mom, there'll be a great one. You can tell. Thanks for joining us today, Chloe.
Chloe Cole 1:08:34
Thank you guys so much.
Robby Starbuck 1:08:37
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